Monday, July 07, 2014

“4 innocent Muslims”: Memorial to 7/7 jihad victims vandalized hours before 9th anniversary commemorations

77MemorialgraffitiThis is yet another indication of the thuggish inhumanity of Leftists and Islamic supremacists, who gleefully treat those whom they hate as if they have no rights they are bound to respect, and set about to destroy their reputations with the most outrageous of libels, while heaping abuse upon them and then congratulating each other for their “tolerance” and “open-mindedness.” But if Britain continues the way it is going, this memorial is going to be demolished, anyway, and a monument to the perpetrators of the 7/7 jihad massacres erected in its place. “’4 innocent Muslims’: Memorial to 7/7 bomb victims is vandalised just hours before families are due to arrive for ninth anniversary commemorations,” by Richard SpillettDaily Mail, July 7, 2014 (thanks to David):
The memorial commemorating the victims of the July 7 bombings on London has been defaced just hours before survivors and bereaved families gather to commemorate the ninth anniversary of the attacks.
The stainless steel columns of the memorial in Hyde Park, central London, were daubed with red and black slogans overnight with the messages ’4Innocent Muslims’, ‘Blair Lied Thousands Died’ and ‘J7 Truth’.
Ros Morley, whose 52-year-old husband Colin died when the bomb went off at Edgware Road, told of her sadness at the vandalism, but said she would not let it affect her.
She said: ‘It is sad that someone could stoop so low, to damage something that represents such a tragic event in the history of London.
‘People have to pay their respects, so they (the culprits) should have thought before they acted in a terrible way.’
Vandals spray-painted the memorial to the victims of the 7/7 London bombings ahead of the ninth anniversary of the attacks which left 52 dead
She added: ‘I won’t let it affect me, I’m looking past that, someone acted in a thoughtless way. I would say to the person who did this to think before they act. I would like them to think how they would feel if they were going to pay their respects to a loved one?’
She has no idea, of course, because no one in Britain would dare tell her, that this argument will cut no ice with the vandals at all: they do not believe that those they hate, including the victims of 7/7, deserve any human respect or consideration whatsoever.
A spokeswoman for the Royal Parks said the slogans had now been removed after they were discovered early this morning by the park’s manager.
She said: ‘We found it this morning. It has now been removed and the memorial can go ahead as planned. Obviously, we are very disappointed.’
John Falding, whose partner Anat Rosenberg, a 39-year-old charity worker, was killed in the Tavistock Square bus bomb, condemned the vandalism.
He said: ‘It is quite shocking, whoever did it was aiming for publicity and to cause maximum grief.’
He said he would not be attending the event today but would be observing the anniversary privately.
The monument honouring the 52 dead in the attack on London’s transport system in 2005 cost nearly £1 million and has 52 stainless steel columns, which are 11.5ft tall.
It was unveiled in 2009 at a memorial attended by the Prince of Wales, the then Prime Minister Gordon Brown and other political leaders.
The columns are grouped together in four clusters, reflecting the separate locations of the bombings – Tavistock Square, Edgware Road, King’s Cross and Aldgate.
A ceremony took place at the memorial at midday today when survivors of the four blasts, as well as Mick Ellis, the fire chief in charge of responding to the incidents, spoke to those gathered.
A minute’s silence was held before the names of each of the 52 people who died were read out. Floral tributes were also laid at the memorial.
A spokesman for ceremony organisers,The Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace, said: ‘It’s disappointing that someone felt like they had to do this but everyone has rallied around to get it cleared up and that’s what London’s about.
‘This is a day for the families and the survivors and we are pleased that it’s still able to go ahead.’
The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, added: ‘I am shocked and saddened by this incident. It is completely unacceptable and the Metropolitan police is already investigating.
‘I am pleased that the graffiti has been removed so quickly and that today’s commemoration ceremony can go ahead as planned.’
He added: ‘The focus today should be, and indeed will be, on honouring the 52 innocent people who died on 7/7, the survivors and all those affected by the terrible events of nine years ago.’
Police said they have begun investigations into the vandalism and are examining CCTV footage.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said: ‘The 7/7 memorial was vandalised in the early hours of the morning. Words were graffitied on to it. No arrests have been made and police are making inquiries.’
Four suicide bombers detonated their rucksack devices in four locations on the morning of July 7 2005, killing the 52 and injuring hundreds of others, some seriously.
The suicide bombings were carried out by Hasib Hussain, Mohammad Sidique Khan, Germaine Lindsay, Shehzad Tanweer who all died.
“Germaine Lindsay” was, of course, a convert to Islam, but the Daily Mail tries to obscure this fact by not giving his Muslim name.

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