Wednesday, July 02, 2014


The Danish “Ekstra Bladet” media outlets are reporting that Anjem Choudary has this week visited Copenhagen to establish a Danish branch of his Islamist networks.  
Amusingly, and possibly accurately, their news reports refer to him as being “Den rabiate muslim” – The rabid Muslim.
According to terrorism researcher Magnus Ranstorp, there are reasons to be very concerned if Anjem Choudary’s organization sets up in Denmark.
“He creates an atmosphere of confrontation and hatred and encourages young Muslims to go to Syria and fight.  He is anti-Democrat, and believes exclusively in the sharia law”, says terrorism researcher Magnus Ranstorp from the National Defense College in Stockholm to Ekstra Bladet.
The organisation in Denmark will operate under the name “islam4dk”.
In the UK, Anjem Choudary states openly that his goal is to radicalize the Muslim, British youth.
“He is fully aware of what he does and with his hate speech and extreme positions, he is also helping to prepare the ground for further radicalization of young Muslims”, says Magnus Ranstorp.
He believes that the most rabid supporters in Denmark counts a few hundred people.
During his visit to Denmark, Choudary also gave a TV interview to the DR TV’s “Deadline” programme in which he said that his dream is to introduce sharia law in Denmark and throughout the West.
“I believe that adulterers should be stoned to death, thieves must have their hand cut off, and Sharia should be introduced in Denmark”, he told “Deadline”.
He also went on to state that “Perhaps Christiansborg will be renamed Muslim Borg, and the Muslim flag could one day fly over the Danish parliament. It will be very fine”.

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