Monday, July 07, 2014

British Isis fighter al-Britani threatens executions in Trafalgar Square

A Brit fighting in Syria has vowed to bring terror to the UK – and stage public executions in London’s Trafalgar Square, the Sunday People reports.
Using the name Abu Dugma al-Britani, the fanatic has issued a series of chilling online vows to wage “holy” war on home soil.
The father-of-one, who claims to be fighting for Isis , used Twitter to warn: “Downing Street will be a base for Muslims. Trafalgar Square is where public executions will take place. Army of Islamic State is coming.”
He bragged extremist forces were set to “conquer” America’s White House.

He demanded the release of jailed “Muslim brothers and sisters” in Britain.
And he warned David Cameron and Home Secretary Theresa May they’d be “annihilated” because of the “filthy dogs” at the centre of an alleged paedophile network in Westmister.
Al-Britani is understood to be an alias of Abu Rahin Aziz, 32, who fled the UK in March after he was charged over a gang attack on a ­football fan in London. He was jailed for 36 weeks in his absence.

Daily Mirror

He ran jihadist websites in the UK and was part of a mob called Muslims Against Crusades, who torched a wreath of poppies on Armistice Day in 2010, yelled appalling insults during the ­two-minute silence and held placards saying: “British soldiers burn in hell.”
Aziz is now thought to be associating with ISIS leaders fighting to create a Sunni Muslim caliphate in Syria and Iraq.
On Wednesday he warned of a terror strike like the 2001 bloodbath at New York’s World Trade Center against any state that helped the Iraqi government take on Isis.

Isis map islamic state
Map of the proposed regions of an Islamic state, translated into English.

He tweeted: “USA your interference will trigger many more 9/11 twin towers attacks and your brave boys returned in body bags.”
Meanwhile, UK spy chiefs have angered ­ministers by stepping up airport security at the busiest time of year.
The 24 million people set to fly this summer face long delays after the US claimed al-Qaeda had developed an explosive invisible to scanners.
But Whitehall sources believe our intelligence chiefs are just “covering their backs”.

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