Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Man jailed for 16 years for 'murderous' attack on next-door neighbour

6:02am Saturday 14th June 2014 in News
A MAN who carried out a murderous attack on his next-door neighbour to protect his family honour has been jailed for 16 years.
Nadeem Nawaz left Mohammed "Raza" Shah fighting for his life after stabbing him16 times with a kitchen knife in Ringwood Road, Canterbury, Bradford, shortly after midnight on September 30 last year.
Mr Shah suffered multiple injuries to his chest, abdomen and back and was saved only by the prompt intervention of paramedics and surgeons.
Nawaz's mother, Fazilat Nawaz, 63, who joined "enthusiastically" in the assault, beating Mr Shah with her shoe, was jailed for five years.
Nadeem Nawaz, 25, was found guilty of attempted murder and Fazilat Nawaz, a widowed mother of eight, was convicted of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.
Judge Peter Benson told the pair: "You both lied through your teeth about what had happened."
He said they had shown no remorse for what they did.
Nadeem Nawaz's sister, Shazmeen Nawaz, 32, of Chelwood Drive, Lower Grange, Bradford, was cleared by the jury in April of causing Mr Shah grievous bodily harm with intent and an alternative charge of unlawful wounding.
During the trial, the jury was told that one of Nadeem's sisters argued with Mr Shah in the street on the afternoon of September 29, and they swore at one another.
"Nadeem saw this as an attack on the honour of the family and that motivated the attack on Mr Shah," Judge Benson said.
Late that night, Nadeem armed himself with a kitchen knife and challenged Mr Shah on his doorstep about swearing at his sister. He then stabbed him 16 times.
Judge Benson, who allowed Fazilat Nawaz to remain seated in the dock during the sentencing, told her: "You enthusiastically joined in a murderous attack by your son.
"You hit Mr Shah several hard blows to the head with your shoe while he was completely defenceless.
"As a result of this vicious, and in your case Nadeem, murderous, attack Mr Shah suffered life-threatening injuries."
Judge Benson said Mr Shah had been diagnosed with chronic and severe post-traumatic stress disorder. He suffered flashbacks and was socially withdrawn.
His episodes of fearfulness included worry that he might suffer another attack when he went out of his home.
The judge said both defendants were of previous good character and the court had been handed references speaking of them in positive terms.
NadeemNawaz had been ill with tuberculosis at the time and the offence was wholly out of character.
His mother had a long history of depressive illness and was of previous exemplary character.
Nadeem's barrister, Derek Duffy, said there was no significant planning before the attack and this was his first prison sentence.
Rodney Fearm, for Fazilat Nawaz, said: "All of the damage here was done with the knife. It is plain that she did not hold the knife.
"She came on the scene late. She was not party to any pre-planning at all."
After the case, Detective Chief Inspector Nick Wallen, of West Yorkshire Police Protective Services (Crime), said: "This was a case of a neighbour dispute that has gradually escalated in seriousness, resulting in the events of September last year.
"The victim in this incident was stabbed at least 16 times and it is an absolute miracle that he has not lost his life as a result. The sentences handed down today reflect the seriousness of these offences."

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