Tuesday, May 26, 2015

'Burqa not conducive to western liberal society': We should follow ban says Ukip

THE wearing of the full face veil in public should be banned in Britain, said Ukip's acting leader Paul Nuttall .

Farage and Nuttall
Nigel Farage pictured with Ukip's current deputy party leader
His comments followed an announcement of a new law by the Government in the Netherlands, approved by the cabinet sitting in The Hague, which will ban the wearing of all face coverings including ski-masks and helmets in certain public places.
Mr Nuttall, the party's deputy leader, was recently placed in temporary charge of UKIP while Nigel Farage takes a break.
Last night he described the Dutch proposal as eminently sensible, noting that it echoed a decision by both France and Belgium to issue similar rulings.  
You can't walk into a bank wearing a crash helmet or balaclava-it is so CCTV cameras can clearly identify you. This is a security issue. Why should people wearing face veils be exempt from these concerns?
UKip's deputy leader Paul Nuttall
Speaking to the Sunday Express, he said: Belgium and France and now the Netherlands have argued that the burqa is not conducive to western liberal society, and that people's faces need to be exposed so they can communicate and integrate.
This all sounds pretty sensible stuff to me. Leading French feminist groups supported the French and Belgian ban, with the International League for Women's Rights saying: The full-face veil, by literally burying the body and the face, constitutes a true deletion of the woman as an individual in public.
Mr Nuttall added: Should we follow this and ban the burqa in this country? Yes. Personally, I think this is about civility, not religion.
Earlier this week a judge in Belfast ruled that a Christian cake-maker had discriminated against a gay couple for refusing to bake a cake featuring Sesame Street characters Ernie and Bert and a pro-Gay message.
Mr Nuttall said there was a "clear lack of consistency" which allowed religious freedom in one setting, but not in another.
"The law should be clear - either you are allowed to express your religious beliefs at all times, or you accept that there are some occasions where these are restricted. Face coverings should be banned in any public building. You can't walk into a bank wearing a crash helmet or balaclava-it is so CCTV cameras can clearly identify you. This is a security issue. Why should people wearing face veils be exempt from these concerns?"
Veil Netherlands Amsterdam
The Netherlands will ban the wearing of all face coverings in some public places
He added: Whether we like it or not, in the UK we are the most watched people in the world. We have more security cameras per head than anywhere else on the planet and for CCTV to be an effective tool then you need to see people's faces.
We should not be allowing people to cover their faces in public buildings whether they claim it's their religious right or not. Let¹s not forget that one of the men who attempted to blow himself up on the London Underground in 2005 made his getaway dressed in a burqa, safe in the knowledge that no one would confront him.
We are all equal, we should all be treated the same, and no-one should receive special treatment simply because we are scared of offending any minority.

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