Monday, October 05, 2015

How the West Is Committing Financial Suicide.

In general the top five immigrant groups ranked by benefits dependency in ex-Great Britain are Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Turks, Somalis and Persians: all Muslims. And of the total number of Muslim immigrants living in Britain, more than 50% are economically inactive.

Recent 2012 reports claim this number to have escalated to almost 85%. In 2012 75% of all Muslim women and 50% of all Muslim men were unemployed. And that is not the entire picture.

Muslims claim disability more than any other group including British natives: 24% of female and 21% of male Muslim immigrants in Britain claim a disability.
In monetary terms, it means that out of five million Muslims living in Britain (according to 2012 statistics), 4.25 million Muslims, or 85% are living off taxpayers.

A minimum benefit payment in Britain is £67 a week, which multiplied by 4.25 million will give us an astronomic figure of £284,750,000 per week, or £1.1 billion per month, which are paid from the pockets of British taxpayers who by the opinion of their government must feed, care, teach and kiss Muslims and their numerous children goodnight.

But even this is not the end of the story, because this exorbitant sum does not include housing benefits, medical care and other rights utilized by the population. If we include them, then with housing, child subsidies and healthcare, Muslims cost the British taxpayers at least £18 billion a year.

Instead of informing the native Brits about how they must tighten their belts, all the British government has to do to lighten the burden on the public budget is to reduce the 85% inactive Muslim population.

Muslims constitute only five percent of the population in Denmark, but they consume 40% of the Danish welfare budget.

The Swedish statistics on welfare recipients correlate quite well with similar statistics from Denmark and Britain. On average 60-70% of the entire nation’s welfare payouts in Sweden to go to Muslims who make up only five percent of the total population…

Such alarming numbers are common for all the European countries….

Europe generously feeds those who want to destroy it.

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