Tuesday, August 22, 2017


A big screen in Cardiff city centre has been hacked by pranksters who displayed offensive images including swastikas and references to Sharia law.
The giant digital billboard, on the side of a building in the Welsh capital’s main shopping street, had to be switched off after it was taken over on Tuesday night.

One image that flashed up on the screen read: “Warning. This is a Shariah controlled zone. No alcohol. No gambling. No porn.”
Another showed a cartoon of Donald Trump as Pepe the frog – a character which has increasingly become a symbol for the ‘alt-right’ political movement.
Tweets linked to the internet prankster messageboard 4Chan initially drew attention to the incident.
The account posted: “Some Anons from /pol/ were able to hack into a billboard in Cardiff, Wales. As you can see, they had a little fun.”
BlowUP media, which controls the billboard, has been contacted for comment.
South Wales Police said in a statement: “On Tuesday evening South Wales Police received a number of calls relating to concerns regarding messages being displayed on the screens in Queen Street, Cardiff.
“We alerted the city council and will investigate any crimes which may have been committed.”

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