Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Special needs primary school teacher 'shared YouTube videos of an extremist Islamic preacher on Whatsapp'

  • Sadia Malik, 36, is charged with one count of disseminating terrorist materials 
  • Special education needs coordinator was suspended over links to extremism
  • Accused of sending links on WhatsApp to hate preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed
  • Husband Idris Malik charged with 4 counts of disseminating extremist material
Sadia Malik's husband Sajid Idris pictured outside court last month, when he appeared after being charged with terror offences
Sadia Malik's husband Sajid Idris pictured outside court last month, when he appeared after being charged with terror offences
A special needs primary school teacher accused of sharing links to YouTube videos featuring an extremist Islamic preacher has appeared in court charged with a terror offence.
Sadia Malik, a special education needs coordinator from Wales, was suspended over her alleged links to extremist groups.
The 36-year-old appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court today accused of promoting a banned hate group and encouraging Muslims to sacrifice all their money to help establish a worldwide Islamic Caliphate.
Her husband, Sajid Idris, 34, has already been charged with four counts of disseminating terrorist publications as part of the same investigation and appeared in court last month.
Malik is accused of sending two messages via WhatsApp with YouTube links to four videos and a website linked to banned British-born hate preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed. 
She was arrested along with her husband and charged with two counts of distributing terrorist material on January 28, 2014.
At court today she sat outside the dock wearing a dark blue hijab and black burkha, where she spoke only to confirm her name, date of birth and address. 
Samuel Main, prosecuting, said: 'The Crown say the defendant sent messages with links to videos to 12 recipients via WhatsApp.' 

Deputy Chief Magistrate Tanvir Ikram released Malik on conditional bail.

One condition of her bail was not to give talks at any public event where Islam is being discussed or to distribute leaflets.     

Both Malik and her husband, from Grangetown in Cardiff, will next appear at the Old Bailey on September 21. 

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