Saturday, September 02, 2017

Courts OFFICIALLY blasted for being too soft on terrorists

Max Hill QC gave the example of the offence of failing to alert authorities to possible attacks - which hjas a maximum five year sentence.
Mr Hill, the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, insisted there was no need for a raft of fresh legislation on the basis that "something must be done" after the UK was hit by a flurry of attacks this year.
But he said there may be aspects of existing laws which can be amended and improved.
He said: "With the benefit of experience and hindsight it may be the case that some offences have insufficient discretionary maximum sentences, which should be reviewed."
Mr Hill flagged up section 38B of the Terrorism Act 2000, under which an individual commits an offence if they do not inform police when they believe someone is preparing acts of terrorism.
A number of defendants who assisted the plotters behind the failed July 21 bombings in 2005 were convicted under the section.
The offence carries a maximum sentence of five years.
Mr Hill said: "It seems to me that that should be reviewed for a decision on whether that is actually sufficient."
Longer sentences for some terror-related offences are being weighed up under a review ordered by the Government in the wake of the atrocities in London and Manchester.
In a wide-ranging interview, Mr Hill also suggested there may be a need to look again at general crime offences which are "perfectly appropriate" for use in terrorism cases, but where judges can increase the sentence because of the presence of a "terrorist mindset".
He said: "We have robust and appropriate laws dealing with firearms, knives, assaults and violence against the person.
"There is already a mechanism for judges to regard a terrorist mindset as an aggravating factor in non-terrorist offences but that is something that needs to be provided by way of a list or a schedule to indicate to judges which offences may be aggravated by a terrorist mindset."
Counter-terror powers have come under close scrutiny after four attacks in 2017.
There have been calls for a boost in the use of Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures (Tpims), which place restrictions on suspects who cannot be deported or prosecuted. Six Tpims were in place at the end of May.
Mr Hill said there has been a "sparing but appropriate" use of the measures and an increase is "conceivable".
He gave the potential example of someone returning to the country who cannot be placed on trial but may be an appropriate candidate for a Tpim.
"I don't see the prospect of very large numbers of returning UK citizens but we are told that there may be some," he said.
"And that's where, alongside the power to prosecute, the power to place individuals on Tpims should be considered."
Around 850 UK-linked individuals "of national security concern" are believed to have travelled to take part in the Syrian conflict, with just under half thought to have returned.
Mr Hill emphasised that a UK citizen who returns from Syria after committing criminal acts should face prosecution.
But he added: "In cases which may come to light of individuals who travel to Syria out of naivety or brainwashing and are desperate to return to their friends and families in this country in a state of great disillusionment after their time in Syria - it doesn't follow that in every case those individuals must be prosecuted or that there must be any mandatory process against them."
The barrister, who started in the role three weeks before the Westminster attack in March, said it was "terrible in every sense of the word" that plots had "got through".
But he pointed to the disruption of six plots since Westminster, saying security services' success rate "must never be forgotten".
Summarising the current threat picture, he said: "We are seeing attacks planned or perpetrated by the use of a vehicle and a knife, as opposed to more 'sophisticated' attacks.
"And we are seeing attacks that are inspired and put together in a comparatively short period of time, perhaps less evidence of long-term radicalisation, more evidence of individuals with the mindset to turn their mind to terrorism, inspired by online propaganda and little else."
Counter-terror agencies are running 500 live investigations involving around 3,000 individuals at any time, while there are also 20,000 former "subjects of interest" who have to be kept under review.
Mr Hill said it would be "quite wrong" to argue that thousands of people should be either arrested, deported or otherwise have their lives interfered with "because their name appears in an individual piece of intelligence".
He said: "The job of the security services is to assess those against whom there is a real thought they represent an individual risk and those are in much lower numbers than the supposed headline figure of 23,000.
"The fact that there has been such repeated success in disrupting plots and activity demonstrates that on almost every occasion the security services successfully go through the process of assessing what they are dealing with.

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