Monday, September 11, 2017

Muslim preacher, 40, 'who urged worshippers to support ISIS claimed followers should behead 'infidels' and 'raise the black flag over Big Ben and Downing Street''

  • Kamran Sabir Hussain, 40, allegedly gave sermons encouraging terrorism
  • He allegedly told worshippers: 'We wlil see the black flag rise over Big Ben'
  • Hussain also said to have posted messages urging followers to ‘die in your rage’
  • He denies six terrorism charges and his trial continues at the Old Bailey
A Muslim preacher was secretly recorded urging worshippers at a charity-funded mosque to support ISIS and carry out terror attacks, a court heard.
Kamran Sabir Hussain, 40, allegedly gave a series of sermons encouraging terrorism every Friday lunchtime at a converted high-street shop in Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent.
In one audio recording he is said to have told worshippers: ‘Inshallah we will see the black flag rise over Big Ben and Downing Street.’
At a meeting last August, in front of between 10 and 15 children, he claimed that the British government funded groups like the English Defence League and Britain First to attack Muslims.
He urged the audience to ‘stand up and be ready to sacrifice, be ready to stand in the face of the elements of Shaytan [Satan], be ready to spill blood and have your blood spilt.’
Hussain also posted chilling messages on social media urging his followers to ‘die in your rage’ and referred to the elimination of unbelievers, the Old Bailey heard.
An undercover ‘law enforcement officer’, referred to in court only as Qasim, began attending the mosque in June last year and taped a total of 17 talks over the next three months.
Prosecutor Sarah Whitehouse QC said: ‘Much of the content of Mr Hussain’s sermons was unobjectionable.
Kamran Sabir Hussain, who is seen in a court sketch, allegedly gave a series of sermons encouraging terrorism at a converted high-street shop in Stoke-on-Trent
Kamran Sabir Hussain, who is seen in a court sketch, allegedly gave a series of sermons encouraging terrorism at a converted high-street shop in Stoke-on-Trent
'They took the classic form of any sermon preached in a mosque on a Friday, which is that they fall into two sections, the first dealing with current affairs and the second being reminders to fear God and the Day of Judgement.
‘But some of the sermons strayed beyond mainstream Islamic thought into support and encouragement to those carrying out acts of terrorism.’
Miss Whitehouse said: ‘The prosecution case in essence is that in preaching the words he did he was encouraging his listeners to engage in acts of terrorism and support so-called Islamic State or ISIS.’
Jurors heard the mosque was funded by a charity and set up in what used to be shop premises on Tunstall High Street.
Hussain lived close to the mosque and preached his sermons at the flat every Friday lunchtime, the court heard.
It is claimed he encouraged support of Islamic State, or Daesh, during sermons last summer.
Jurors heard in March 2016 he posted a message referring to the ‘Khilafah knocking on your door’ and ‘the fulfillment of Allah’s command is near and if you are enraged by it then our message to you is simple: Die in your rage’. 
Hussain, of Knightsbridge Way, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, denies six counts of encouraging terrorism. His trial continues at the Old Bailey, pictured (stock photo)
Hussain, of Knightsbridge Way, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, denies six counts of encouraging terrorism. His trial continues at the Old Bailey, pictured (stock photo)
Hussain called for the beheading of ‘infidels’ and claimed that not even the Queen or Prime Minister could stop jihadi fighters establishing the ‘law of Allah’.
Jurors heard that Hussain referred to the Islamic State during the first recorded sermon took place during Ramadan at the regular gathering on Friday 24 June 2016.
Hussain compared the situation in Syria to the military victory of the Prophet Mohammed against a much larger army at Bad’r 1400 year ago.
He said: ‘In this day and age you have a small fledgling state who is standing in the face of a pompous and arrogant army who have invaded Muslim lands.’
Miss Whitehouse said: ‘The prosecution say that is a reference to the Islamic State and the armed struggle undertaken by them.’
He then asked his audience to pray for Islamic State to be victorious and for their oppressors to be annihilated.
In another sermon on 22 July he prayed for everybody to live under Islamic Sharia law and branded voting for people to pass laws an ‘unforgiveable sin’.
Hussain also urged the congregation to behead the sinners, oppressors and infidels, saying: ‘Finish them and remove their heads for what they do... when you don’t fulfil the command of Allah, I’m coming to remove your head.’
On 5 August 2016 he claimed that the mujahideen and jihadi fighters were at the top of the community of Muslim believers.
He preached that ‘they take over a land; they stand a black flag and establish the law of Allah over the necks of the people, whether they like it or don’t like it’ and that not even the Queen or Prime Minister could stop it, jurors heard. 
Hussain allegedly glorified martyrdom on 2 September and said that it was a greater success than achievement at school or college.
He claimed those who died fighting would be forgiven ‘when you go in front of Allah with the bullet wounds and the sword wounds and you are raised in that situation with the blood still coming from your body’.

Two weeks later he criticised the Prevent programme, which tries to intervene when young people are at risk of radicalisation.

Speaking about Islamic State - which he referred to as the Caliphate on the Path of Prophecy - he said they would call for the dominance of Allah across the world.

He added that ‘the Caliphate would be attacked and oppressed and attacked by drones but would gain more and more territory.’

Hussain was arrested on 14 February this year but made no comment in police interview.
He gave a short written statement claiming he was exercising his freedom of religion and freedom of speech, jurors heard.

Hussain added: ‘I do not believe I am a terrorist or encouraged anyone to be a terrorist.’

Hussain, of Knightsbridge Way, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, denies six counts of encouraging terrorism between 24 June and 16 September 2016 under section 1(2) of the Terrorism Act 2006 and two counts of encouraging support of a proscribed organisation under section 12(3) of the Terrorism Act 2000. 
  • Kamran Sabir Hussain, 40, allegedly gave sermons encouraging terrorism 
  • Told a group of children martyrdom would bring an 'everlasting life of pleasure'
  • Extremist imam was recorded giving the vile sermon by an undercover officer 
  • ‘The King, the Queen, the Prime Minister' cannot stop Allah he continued
Kamran Sabir Hussain, 40, was recorded by an undercover police officer at a mosque in Stoke-on-Trent telling young children jihad would being them 'everlasting pleasure' a court heard
Kamran Sabir Hussain, 40, was recorded by an undercover police officer at a mosque in Stoke-on-Trent telling young children jihad would being them 'everlasting pleasure' a court heard
An extremist imam told a group of children aged between five and 15 that waging jihad would bring them an 'everlasting life of pleasure', a court heard on Tuesday. 
Kamran Sabir Hussain, 40, told the impressionable youngsters that martyrdom in the name of Allah was the ‘supreme success’ during a sermon at a charity-funded mosque in Stoke-on-Trent.
The shocking rant was recorded by an undercover law enforcement officer named Qasim who was sat among 35 Asian men, two toddlers and the seven children. 
Hussain said in the recording: ‘What’s the nature of life? That you are killed, that you kill and that you are killed. This is your part of the contract... to fight in the way of Allay, to kill and be killed.
‘In return for this Allah will give you an everlasting life of pleasure.’
Hussain also referred to an ‘eternal life of enjoyment’ before claiming that martyrdom was ‘the supreme success.’
Children’s voices were also heard as Hussain referred to going before Allah on Judgement Day ‘with the bullet wounds and the sword wounds and you are raised in that situation with the blood still coming from your body.’

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