Thursday, September 07, 2017

university probes student for “hate crime”: “Mocking ISIS allegedly made Islamic students feel ‘threatened'”

“A University spokesperson said: …’We can confirm that complaints alleging misconduct have been received against Mr Travers and these are being investigated. It is, however, untrue to suggest that Mr Travers is ‘under investigation’ for ‘mocking ISIS’.”
Really? Esme Allman’s complaint says: “Mocking ISIS allegedly made Islamic and minority students feel ‘threatened’ and ‘unsafe.'”
Remember the days when we were told that ISIS had nothing to do with Islam? They are over, at least in shattered, staggering, dhimmi Britain. Now if you’re in ISIS, you’re a member of a protected class that cannot be criticized.
Britain is finished. The only people defending it from total collapse and capitulation to Sharia are thugs and hooligans and Jew-haters who don’t realize that Israel is on the front lines of the global jihad. Meanwhile, British schools are turning out non-Muslim students who hate masculinity and are thoroughly indoctrinated in cultural self-hatred, and Muslim students full of arrogance and contempt for British society, and the confidence that British authorities are too afraid of charges of racism and “Islamophobia” to stop them from doing anything. When those two groups clash, as they inevitably will, what will be the outcome? The total surrender of Britain and its demise as a free society. Watch for this, sooner than anyone thinks.
“Edinburgh University law student, 21, who mocked ISIS on Facebook is probed by college bosses over it being a HATE crime that ‘puts minority students at risk,'” by Amie Gordon, Mailonline, September 5, 2017 :
A law student is under investigation by his university after allegedly mocking ISIS on social media and ‘putting minority students at risk and in a state of panic’.
Robbie Travers is being probed by Edinburgh University amid claims he committed a ‘hate crime’, despite no criminal investigation by the police.
The 21-year-old third-year student wrote a Facebook post after the US Air Force bombed an ISIS stronghold in Afghanistan in April.
However his comments sparked a complaint from fellow student Esme Allman, who accused him of ‘blatant Islamaphobia’ [sic].
Following the air attack in April Mr Traves wrote: ‘I’m glad we could bring these barbarians a step closer to collecting their 72 virgins’.
Ms Allman, a second-year history student, claimed Mr Travers ‘put minority students at risk and in a state of panic’ and breached the student code of conduct with his comments….
Mr Travers wrote on Facebook last night: ‘Afraid I’ve been a little more quiet as I have been accused of Islamophobia because I mocked ISIS, and I’m being investigated on such a ground by my University.
‘Mocking ISIS allegedly made Islamic and minority students feel ‘threatened’ and ‘unsafe,’ so goes the complainant’s ramblings.
‘Have engaged legal advice to dismiss this nonsense. Wish me luck.’
Ms Allman identifies herself online as ‘a self-proclaimed feminist and womanist from inner-city London’.
She adds: ‘I value inclusivity as well as building and preserving safe spaces for us. Creating a truly intersectional campaign is incredibly important to me and my first job will be to work alongside the other liberation groups to ensure EUSA are fully representative of our views….
A University spokesperson said: …’We can confirm that complaints alleging misconduct have been received against Mr Travers and these are being investigated. It is, however, untrue to suggest that Mr Travers is ‘under investigation’ for ‘mocking ISIS’.’

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