Saturday, December 05, 2009

It was the holy time, so I had to grope the lady

All right. It was the holy time. So why didn't he think that it would be all right during the holy time to grope this passenger? Could it be because she was just an Infidel whore? The contempt that many Muslim men have for Western non-Muslim women is well documented, after all.

"Ramadan used as defence by cabbie groper," by David Barrett for The Daily Telegraph,

A DISGRACED Muslim taxi driver tried to use the holy time of Ramadan as his defence against allegations he repeatedly grabbed the breast of a disabled female passenger.

Abdul Majid Qazizada, 51, had argued that Ramadan was a time when Muslim men "don't even touch their wives".

He was yesterday found guilty of the aggravated indecent assault of a 23-year-old woman who suffers cerebral palsy and epilepsy.

Magistrate Jennifer Betts said Qazizada claimed he was a devout Muslim who was fasting when the attack occurred in September last year.

" 'Men don't even touch their wives (during Ramadan)', were his words," Ms Betts said in Ryde Local Court.

The court heard how the woman got into Qazizada's taxi to go home after going out with friends at Ryde-Eastwood Leagues Club.

During the short ride home, she felt at first "a little scared", then later "very worried", when Qazizada repeatedly told her: "You're a lovely lady." After parking in the driveway of her home, Qazizada told the woman he would help her get out of the taxi.

As she struggled to get out of his taxi, Qazizada squeezed the woman's breasts several times.
Throughout the assault, he asked the woman: "Are you all right?". Each time she replied: "No."
Qazizada eventually left, saying: "Have a good night."

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