Saturday, December 05, 2009

Muslim politician pelted with eggs by "true Muslims"

As I've pointed out many times, Islamic jihadists and Islamic supremacists claim that they are the true Muslims, the exponents of authentic Islam. They recruit among peaceful Muslims by means of this appeal. And while self-proclaimed moderate Muslims expend immense effort -- notably at this site -- to convince non-Muslims that the jihadist interpretation of Islam is wrong, wrong, wrong, they don't seem to be concerned in the least about trying to convince Muslims like these young egg-throwers that they are misunderstanding the Religion of Peace™.

"British Muslim woman lawmaker pelted with eggs," from
PTI, December 1

Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, a Tory lawmaker and one of the most powerful British women politicians faced the ire of fundamentalist men when they pelted eggs on her, claiming she was not a proper Muslim.

Warsi, a member of House of Lords of Pakistani origin, was confronted by the fundamentalist while she was campaigning in Luton, a London suburb who started shouting abuses at her, according to British Television reports.

The protesters took objection and charged that the Baroness was not properly attired and that she supported the death of Muslims in Afghanistan.

But Warsi, stood her ground and challenged the men to a debate on their charges. But the group of men refused to listen to her....

It is a pity that they wouldn't debate. It might have been illuminating.


I am sure you may have seen this "Tory Muslim Peer pelted with eggs" story. A B-BBC reader points out....

You have to get to the 3rd para before you realise she's been pelted with eggs by fellow Muslims. It could have been the BNP or EDL or even those equally fascist Zionist Jews. But no... So why not,"Muslim protesters pelt tory peer Warsi with eggs" as a headline?

I suggest that the reason is simple - the dhimmified BBC wants to play down the rampant intolerance of a significant section of Muslims living in Britain.

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