Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Airline issues a ban on Bibles

A BRITISH airline has banned its crew from taking the Bible into Saudi Arabia for fear of upsetting Muslims.
BMI bosses have told staff they must take the Koran instead.
One middle-aged stewardess is to sue BMI for religious discrimination at an industrial tribunal due to take place in the New Year.
In the meantime she will be excluded from BMI flights to Saudi Arabia.
A BMI source said: "Foreign Office advice is that non-Islamic religious material is not permitted in Saudi."
But another BMI worker said: "We understand our embassy has confirmed that the Saudis never enforce this rule.
"The stewardess is deeply religious and takes her Bible everywhere she travels.
"The bottom line is BMI don’t want to jeopardise the Saudi route, which is worth millions to them."
The ban follows BA’s climbdown on a rule prohibiting staff wearing crosses — which triggered a mass protest.


Miss Chris said...

This is religious descrimination and I hope she fights this with everything she's got! We cannot stand by and let our religious freedom be taken away from us. Maybe it would be more peaceful in England if Muslims weren't allowed to bring the Koran into the country. I say ban the Koran!

don said...

fuck you white trash son of a whore. your religions are bogus and fake. you only follow and worship your desires and bully the minorities. you british scumbags have blood of innocent children on your hands from centuries. you came to our countries and lands and stripped us of our wealth and honour, it's payback time for you filth of the earth and i hope every white racist scumbag like you die a painful death before finally being tossed into the eternal hell. death to all white inbred retarded scum! i say ban your mother and save the earth from dying of her stench!