A MOSQUE that could cater for 600 people, with a minaret towering 21 metres into the sky, will be built in Derby.
Derby City Council's planning committee last night ignored advice from planning officers that they should refuse the application.
- Artist's impression of the mosque
The news was described as "devastating" from campaigners against the plans but scores of Muslims at the meeting audibly "thanked Allah" for the result.
Committee chairman Councillor Robin Wood said the mosque would "be an addition to some of the finest architecture in Derby".
The committee was told one planning problem remained of a kitchen wall and window that would overlook a neighbour's garden.
But a spokesman for design consultant Archi-Structure said this could be "scaled back".
He said the proposed site, on waste land, between Mill Hill Lane and Renals Street, was currently a "rubbish-strewn eyesore".
Di Weston, of Mill Hill Lane, spoke for campaigners against the plan. She said: "I'm devastated. It's too big and will dominate the whole area." She said the residents' parking permit in the area was not in force on Sundays or after 6pm and the roads would be full of people using the mosque at those times.
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