Saturday, May 03, 2014


Infidels flash demo outside site of new mosque  nwi farnworth/bolton mosque site
Infidels flash demo outside site of new mosque
From my own research, local press reports, visitor comments, emails and feedback. Without a doubt Islam loving Bolton Council have been one of the biggest offenders of Muslim appeasing and pandering to their demands from the entire United Kingdom.TheLocal Authority has given the Muslims a little more than a helping hand in the Islamization of the town. Constantly putting Bolton’s Muslims needs and views ahead of the British non-Muslim residents.
Back in October last year Kafir Crusaders revealed that Bolton’s Labour Party controlled Council had given the Islamic group ‘ Bolton Council Of Mosques’over £1.1 million in funding. An outrageous amount of public money to a single organization that solely benefits  the towns  Muslims. On numerous occasions recently the council have approved controversial Mosque planning applications regardless of the locals objections regarding disruption, noise,parking issues and anti social behaviour.
Now once again the local authority are bending over for the Muslims. Town hall planning officers have recommend construction of  three story mosque despite admitting there would be “detrimental impact to local residents” due to a lack a loss of light. The pro Muslim councillors then gave the approval to build with little concern for those non Muslims living nearby.
Locals have formed a Facebook page against the mosqueThe North West infidels also held a flash demo against the mosque today.
Despite Bolton Council’s  appeasement by throwing money at Muslims allegedly for ‘community cohesion’ the Muslim community who benefited appear to be doing very little in return for their handouts. Having spoken to a few non Muslims recently from across the Bolton area on this subject. All stated that they believed the  money given to the Council of Mosques has made no improvements to community cohesion. Most even claimed that relations between Muslims and white British infidels is worse than it has ever been in Bolton with large areas turning into Muslim ghettos and becoming almost no go areas.
 The indigenous residents, many whose families had lived in the town for generations felt completely let down and disgusted by the councils apparent aiding and abetting  of the Muslims stealth jihad  at the expense of the rest of the community.

New ‘landmark’ mosque plan for Farnworth
The Bolton News: An artist’s impression of the three-storey "landmark" mosque that religious leaders want to build in FarnworthAn artist’s impression of the three-storey “landmark” mosque that religious leaders want to build in Farnworth

A MOSQUE will be knocked down and rebuilt in Farnworth.
Councillors unanimously approved the plans put forward by the leaders of Sughra Mosque to demolish the existing one-storey building in Granville Street, their home for the past 40 years.
In its place they intend to build a three-storey place of worship, which will include separate halls for men and women, an IT suite, library, classrooms and two ablution areas for washing.
Mr Anwar represented the mosque at the meeting and said they had sought guidance from planning officers at Bolton Council while putting the plans together.
He added: “This building will mean a significant investment into Farnworth.”
Opponent Bryn Morgan spoke at the meeting to say the aesthetics of the new design were not liked by the local community.
He added: “Why does it have to look as it does — why can it not blend in with the local architecture?”
Since Thursday a petition and Facebook group has been set up in protest against the plans.
But Cllr Nick Peel said the debate surrounding the mosque did not fully understand planning law as laid down by the government, which the council cannot deviate from.
He added: “Anybody can put up an application to build anything they want in this town, which will be decided by planning at Bolton Council. We live in a democracy.
PLANS to demolish a mosque and build a new “landmark” place of worship in its place will be decided at today’s planning committee meeting.
The leaders of Sughra Mosque have applied to Bolton Council for permission to knock down their existing home in Granville Street, Farnworth, and replace it with a three-storey centre.
Included in the plans is a blueprint for a reception, publicity room, men’s hall, women’s hall, IT suite, library, classroom and two ablution areas for washing.
In a statement to the council, architects Inspire Planning Solutions said it thinks the design will support the regeneration of Farnworth and would be a “significant improvement” in the appearance of the site.
It added: “The proposed mosque will replace an existing mosque within the urban area in the heart of the community which it serves.
“By rebuilding the mosque in its existing location, there will be minimum disruption to the community which could otherwise be fractured if the mosque were to relocate.
“One of the main drivers behind the application is to enhance the facilities and space. This would include a community hall, which will widen the role of the building and support a valuable local cultural facility.”

Planning officers at Bolton Council have recommended councillors approve the plans, despite acknowledging it is likely there will be “detrimental impact to local residents” through loss of light.
However, they argue that the new building has the potential to act as a catalyst for investment and regeneration of the wider area.
In his report, planning officer Alex Allen said: “A building such as a mosque will by its very nature and function not reflect the traditional character of the area.
“Notwithstanding this, the proposal has the potential to provide a new landmark building to one of the key gateways into Farnworth.”

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