Saturday, May 03, 2014

Muslim “Religious Fanatic” Kills His 67-Year-Old Non-Muslim Neighbor, Stabbing Him 17 Times

Sameer Babar
Babar “had written two books containing extreme religious rhetoric,” and then he went amok and stabbed 67-year-old Leonard Flowers 17 times in a frenzied attack. And now “a psychiatrist who is treating him said it was now thought he may have been suffering from paranoid schizophrenia for a number of years but it had not been diagnosed.” The people who are really mentally ill are the British authorities who go out of their way to ascribe such incidents to mental illness after the fact, instead of facing up to the implications of the “extreme religious rhetoric” that Babar was not only spreading, but reading in his holy book that commands him to “kill them wherever you find them” (quran 9:5).
Leonard-Flower“Court hears how grandfather Leonard Flower was killed by religious fanatic who didn’t know he had paranoid schizophrenia,” Luton On Sunday, April 29, 2014 (thanks to Halal Pork Shop):
A RELIGIOUS fanatic who was unknowingly suffering from paranoid schizophrenia stabbed his neighbour to death in an attack described by a judge as ‘completely out of the blue’.
Grandfather, Leonard Flower, 67, who had been married for 47 years was stabbed 17 times in a frenzied attack as he was doing odd jobs in his garage.
His wife, Linda was indoors unaware of the tragedy unfolding outside their home in Luton.
It was a couple delivering leaflets who found the retired computer analyst lying in a pool of blood last October.
Meanwhile, 35-year-old Sameer Babar had stolen the couple’s car and driven north up the M1, still caked in blood.
He was arrested in Kenilworth, and admitted stabbing a neighbour.
He has been detained in a secure mental health unit since the killing.
Judge Michael Kay QC said at Luton Crown Court on Monday: “Words are inadequate to describe the extent of the tragedy which hit the Flower family completely out of the blue on October 22 last year. One’s heart goes out to that family.
“He was a good husband, father and grandfather, a man liked and respected by many people. Nothing anyone can do can put matters right.
“There is no doubt that this was a wholly unexplained and frenzied attack. There was no suggestion of any ill feeling or problems between you and anyone in the Flowers family.”
But the Judge said that although Babar’s behaviour had been ‘bizarre’ in the year or two before the attack, there had been no warning that he would be violent.
Babar, who lived opposite Mr Flower in Carnegie Gardens, Luton, denied a charge of murder, but pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.
He was detained under the Mental Health Act indefinitely.
Beverley Cripps, prosecuting said: “The defendant was in the grip of mental illness, which has since been diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenia. He had been treated for depression but not significant mental illness.”
She said in 2011 and 2012 he had written two books containing extreme religious rhetoric which had led to angry reactions from local mosques. He had also planned to hold a lecture at Luton library.
His behaviour had involved contact with police and referral to a crisis mental health team.
The defendant had been visited by police the day before the killing but refused to let them in and they had no power of entry.
The tragedy occurred around lunchtime the next day. When Mr Flower was found in the garage, attempts at resuscitation failed.
Of the 17 stab wounds inflicted with two knives, one had pierced his heart, the court was told.
When Babar was arrested he was fit to be interviewed. A month later he made a statement saying he had little memory of the day.
A psychiatrist who is treating him said it was now thought he may have been suffering from paranoid schizophrenia for a number of years but it had not been diagnosed.
Speaking after the hearing Mrs Lynn Flower, Len’s wife, said:”I’m heartbroken and devastated at the way my husband’s life was taken.
“Len was a kind, generous and caring husband for 47 years – still fit and able. He helped anyone who asked for a favour.
“As a computer analyst he was an intelligent man, described as such by all who knew him and also very practical. I am lost without him as I am housebound and he was my full time carer. We did everything together.
“The fact that a good, decent man died in such a way hurts me too much. We have lost a good husband, father, grandfather and a kind man who was liked and respected by everyone who met him.”
Senior Investigating Officer, Detective Inspector Liz Mead, of the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Major Crime Unit, said: “The Flower family find themselves in tragic circumstances.
“They now have to cope without Len who should be enjoying his retirement with his wife. Len was killed in his own garage, where he should have been safe but on that October afternoon Sameer Babar carried out a violent attack which has now changed the course of so many innocent lives.
“The medical experts have agreed that at the time of Mr Flower’s death Sameer Babar was suffering from a mental illness and continues to receive the appropriate medical attention for his condition. Today sees some closure for the Flower family but nothing that has happened in this court room will fill the void that Len’s death has left.”
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