Saturday, August 01, 2015

Couple pocketed £66,000 in benefits scam by pretending to be landlord and tenant even though they had three children together

  • Sikander Rafiq and Samara Jabreen were in an eight year relationship
  • Couple had three children together, but lied about their relationship status
  • They pocketed £66,268 housing, council tax and income support benefits
A couple pocketed £66,000 in a benefits scam by pretending to be landlord and tenant - despite having three children together.

Sikander Rafiq, 34, and Samara Jabreen, 32, lied to Birmingham City Council about their relationship in a scam spanning an eight year period. 

The couple, from Ward End, Birmingham, claimed £66,268 housing benefit, council tax benefit and income support.

Sikander Rafiq, 34, and Samara Jabreen, 32, lied to Birmingham City Council about their relationship in a scam spanning an eight year period. The couple, from Ward End, pocketed £66,268 housing benefit, council tax benefit and income support
Sikander Rafiq, 34, and Samara Jabreen, 32, lied to Birmingham City Council about their relationship in a scam spanning an eight year period. The couple, from Ward End, pocketed £66,268 housing benefit, council tax benefit and income support

Birmingham Crown Court heard Jabreen first lodged a genuine claim for income support in 2002.

But three years later, when Rafiq bought them a house, Jabreen claimed to be a private tenant and asked that her benefit payments be made to her landlord, Rafiq.

Blondelle Thompson, prosecuting, said Jabreen also signed declarations saying neither she nor her children were related to Rafiq.

She even claimed single occupancy discount on her council tax payments, the court was told.

Jabreen pleaded guilty to two counts of failing to notify a change of circumstances and a charge of making a false representation.

Rafiq admitted a charge of furnishing false information regarding the tenancy agreement provided to the city council.

But after hearing of her ill-health and that she was the sole carer for their children, Jabreen was spared prison.

She was sentenced to 22 weeks, suspended for 18 months, placed under supervision for 18 months and ordered to attend the Anawim probation project for 30 days.

Rafiq, it was heard, acted out of desperation to pay their mortgage rather than through greed. He was handed an 18-month sentence, suspended for 18 months and ordered to carry out 180 hours unpaid work.

Birmingham Crown Court heard Jabreen first lodged a genuine claim for income support in 2002. But three years later, when Rafiq bought them a house, Jabreen claimed to be a private tenant and asked that her benefit payments be made to her landlord, Rafiq 
Birmingham Crown Court heard Jabreen first lodged a genuine claim for income support in 2002. But three years later, when Rafiq bought them a house, Jabreen claimed to be a private tenant and asked that her benefit payments be made to her landlord, Rafiq 

Miss Thompson said: 'At no time did she declare Rafiq was her partner or father of her children.'

In October 2011 a report was made to the city council's fraud investigation team, prompting an investigation.

Ms Thompson added: 'The house was put under surveillance and his car was seen daily and was used by Jabreen.' 

Life insurance documents and a Virgin Media account were both registered to Rafiq at the couple's address.

Judge Roderick Henderson said Rafiq was a 'dishonest' man who had once posed as his brother to avoid getting a criminal record. 

He said: 'As far as you are concerned I get a very clear picture of a person who is dishonest and bends things to whatever benefits you at a particular time.

'You both pleaded guilty but when you came back to be sentenced you wanted to vacate your plea because you said you were not guilty at all. 

'You then turned up and entered a guilty plea but put forward a false basis. You have behaved not only in a dishonest way in the history of the case but before the court.'

Jabreen, the judge said, had played a lesser role and had been encouraged by Rafiq.

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